Get #VoteReady
60% of eligible voters are never asked to register. You don’t have that excuse. Register now!
Get registered to vote at locations all over Bell County on Tuesday, September 19.
Bell County Courthouse Annex
550 E. 2nd Avenue
9AM to 4PM
Lena Armstrong Library
301 East 1st Ave
9AM to 12 Noon
Harker Heights Library
400 Indian Trail
9AM to 7PM
SMART Museum
408 10th Street
9AM to 7PM
Bell County Temple Annex
205 E. Central Avenue
9AM to 4PM
Temple College
2600 S 1st St
9AM to Noon in the Academic Center
Noon to 3PM in the Health Sciences Center
Temple Public Library
100 W. Adams Avenue
10AM to 4PM
Bell County Salado Annex
11057 Event Drive
9AM to 4PM
Salado Library
1151 N Main St.
10AM to 6PM
Bell County Killeen Annex
307 Priest Drive
9AM to 4PM
Copper Mountain Branch Library
3000 S W S Young Dr.
9AM to 7PM
Greater Peace Missionary Baptist Church
4201 Zephyr Rd,
10AM to 4PM
Killeen Library
205 E. Church Avenue
9AM to 7PM
Texas A&M-Central Texas
Founders Hall
1001 Leadership Place
9AM to 4PM
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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.